5 pounds of powdered sugar.
I pint of Maraschino.
I quart of Jamaica rum.
I quart of Rhine wine.
4 quarts of champagne.
24 fresh eggs.
To prepare the above rnixture, dis
solve the sugar in the juice of the
lemons and oranges; rub the rind of
two oranges and one lemon through
a sieve into the mixture. Add by
degrees the whites of the eggs beaten
to a froth; surround the liowl with
ice; let it freeze until it looks like
thick cream, then stir in briskly the
rum and wine. Serve in champagne
(Two Gallon Mixture)
Use a punch bowl.
J mixing glass of lemon juice.
1 mixing glass of orange juice,
2 pounds of fine sugar.
Dissolve sugar in lemon and
orange juice.
J pint of abricotine.
I quart of brandy.
4 quarts of Sauteme wine.
3 quarts Apollinaris or car
bonated water.
Stir well, add sliced fruit, put a
piece of ice in bowl; serve in punch