Ten Year Network Development Plan 2015 |
3.1 Introduction
In TYNDP 2013, ENTSOG introduced its first analysis
of barriers to investment. In this edition, ENTSOG is
combining the views of all TSOs and other project
promoters regarding barriers to investment. This will
help to better understand the continuous decrease of
FID projects since TYNDP 201 1 .
3.2 Overall impact of energy
The energy mix of each Member State is driven by its unique circumstances, and is
influenced by European regulation policies (such as the EU Emission Trading
System) and global factors (e. g. current low coal and CO ² prices). As a result, there
is currently no clear political vision on how to deliver the CO ² reduction targets while
ensuring both energy security and affordability, as illustrated by the increasing share
of polluting coal-fired generation. The lack of a clear political vision is endangering
the required development and refurbishment of flexible power generation including
gas-fired generation, alongside the development of renewable energy sources, to
ensure electricity security of supply. In that respect the market needs to meet the
long term political targets in the most efficient way and this will require an appropri-
ate framework.
3.3 Project promoter
perspective policies
In addition to the aforementioned impact of energy policies, project promoters are
facing various challenges in the completion of their projects.
As part of the TYNDP 2015 infrastructure project data collection process, ENTSOG
has gathered information on perceived investment barriers. Out of the 88 promoters
having submitted projects, 61 have indicated at least one barrier for 134 projects.
Investment barriers have been grouped as indicated in the next table (with sub-
groups where proposed):