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In the process, inevitably, we encounter not only our own limitations but also the

limitations of our other selves and, depending on our psychological needs, we are

bound to be exclusive in the stress we each lay on various priorities.

This unevenness of approach applies particularly to our search for and valuing of

harmony: a level of harmony which to one may seem of primary importance, even

momentarily, may well be felt as secondary by another, and insistence upon its

advent may even appear detrimental.

To highlight for instance the frequency of this type of misunderstanding, or crossing

of purposes, it may seem crucial to some of us that a good-willed compromise be

reached on a particular point of action, while, to some others of us, the very

attempt to seek and arrive at such a compromise may endanger or jeopardise the

emergence of a truer solution.

Or else, in more social or psychological terms, one may give priority to a mode of

behaviour which, to another person, may be experienced as hypocrisy and a waste

of opportunity for progress in the field of relationships.

And so long as the ego persists in us these differences of approach are likely to

harden into positions that are often mutually exclusive.

Keys have been given us as we embarked upon this adventure, but they remain as

reminders only till we actually begin to experience their living truth.

It is in this respect that I feel the exercise of this seminar, if pursued with the intent

to develop our awareness of the issue, may help each of us to realise what is at

stake and where our responsibility lies.

You, and a few others, have made mention of a number o situations in Auroville

that are blocked, any fruition or advance being neutralised by the force of opposing


But I am inclined to feel that this observation, by itself, is of little help.

It is perhaps salutary that such blockages take place, until we develop the

discernment that can discover and identify, in relation to the whole as in relation to

the One, the harmonious role and place of each of the apparently incompatible and

irreconcilable truths that are now conflicting.

And I do indeed trust that it is precisely this necessary discernment which you wish

to help develop amongst us all.

Therefore I take this opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your company; with

enormous affection!



*4-10-2000, Auroville :

Il y a quelques jours, un drôle de petit homme a soudain débarqué ; c’est un

homme un peu triste, tout à fait imbu de lui-même, qui a fait un effort de réflexion

toute sa vie, mais de manière exclusivement égocentrée, et cela lui donne une

curieuse réceptivité. Il a tenu absolument à me faire le récit historique de toute sa

vie : il s’était joint, au sortir de sa période militaire, au réseau de F.J, réseau

Français de soutien à la lutte du FLN pour l’indépendance de l’Algérie ; arrêté au

cours de la grande rafle, il a passé quatre années en prison ; puis, avec l’aide d’un

groupe d’intellectuels que j’ai connu dans mon enfance, il a trouvé un poste dans la