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avec l’intention professée de parvenir à couvrir les besoins de chacun à travers une

activité « officielle », et c’est comme une insincérité qui se banalise, et s’installe

hors de question…

*26-2-1984, Auroville:

In the middle of the night, after a series of movemented dreams – like adventures

out of a novel -, I woke up rather suddenly with this unbearable pain of the

separation from Auragni… And I realised that I am now stuck for another reason:

when I feel no respect or no friendship for Diane, how can I go there at all? Auragni

will feel it and it will affect her and she will not understand: I cannot inflict that on


… Barbara me dit ce matin qu’elle a contemplé sérieusement la possibilité de venir

vivre ici avec moi… ! Je lui ai expliqué pourquoi et comment il était préférable de ne

pas le faire, et qu’il me fallait rester seul…

… Il m’est souvent montré, ces temps ci, que rien n’est jamais si « grave » qu’on ne

puisse en rire ; ou que, si l’on ne peut plus rire, c’est qu’on a laissé trop longtemps

s’installer une forme d’insincérité…

… C’est comme on dit : si Tu me donnes ne serait ce qu’un peu de l’ourlet de Ta

robe à tenir, rien d’autre n’a vraiment d’importance, ni pratiquement, ni

ultimement… !

*27-2-1984, Auroville:

I had a very strong and very interesting dream-experience last night. It lasted long,

and I could remember all of it; it was all about Nolini: he has died, and people

prepare him for burial; I am somehow there, and I find that, in all this whiteness

and devotion, the seat that was meant for him is covered with layers and layers of

cow-dung, which I begin hesitantly to scrape away with my hands, even though it

will not be used anymore; then, as no one interferes, I do it thoroughly till it is all

clean and bare and simple; meanwhile people have got their attention elsewhere

and I find myself alone near Nolini’s body, which they have left ready for burial:

they have done a strange thing, they have plastered it over with a cast, and it is

still hot when they lower the body; and, from the ground, a liquid spills over, thick

brown, again like hot cow-dung, and this causes a reaction with the plaster of the

cast… All through that, for some mysterious reason, I seem to be the only one to be

so close to his body, watching and caring… His body begins to writhe, and it has

tremors, and starts; then it becomes frantic, and the limbs are bending in sheer

agony, and the plaster is melting; it is all impossible to behold, and still I am

alone… I move around in that sort of pit he is laid in, in the midst of all this

whiteness, and I face him; and I begin to be able to realise that he is truly coming

back from death, in a terrible, horrible pain and condition, and I cease being merely

watching and impressed; I begin to have trust and to participate… I look for help…

He, his body, is slowly, out of this total agony, gathering into a sort of sitting

position… And still no one is paying attention; but now I do not want to call any one

of those who have been there; I look for… brothers…! And, at a distance,

apparently unconcerned yet very present, I see F.Ga; relieved, I call him at once,

and I realise that he has been posted there, is if he had known what to expect… By

that time, Nolini is out of his metamorphosis, truly and really a biological one, with

all its un-romantic ugliness and pure, terrible pain… Nolini stands up and, somehow

at the same time and in the same movement, the three of us are away into the

streets, towards a house where he could rest, protected… We are in a very special