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I see now that ego is the disease of the soul. It is no longer of any use. It must go,

it must melt, abdicate, everywhere and in every part: it is ugly and false and hard;

it twists, it causes confusion and disharmony; it feeds the shadow. It must go.

*5-3-1986, Auroville:

I took Jagannathan with me to “Tapoloka” to see with Myrtle the carpentry work

she needs to have done; Deepti was there, “by chance”; but I felt it was

meaningful, and strengthening; I found with her a support to my sense of the

necessity to somehow try and counter this present manipulation of the direction of

Auroville; she, being directly involved as a member of the “Executive Council” and

having participated in the work in Delhi, could tell me many things she has seen

and witnessed, and it all confirmed a lot of what I had sensed. She read my draft of

a statement and was touched, but she also felt that my name would only bring a

hostile reaction to whatever was said or tried; then both Myrtle and her felt that

perhaps they each could ask a few people whom they knew are feeling uneasy with

the present trend and orientation to also write their views, and these statements

could then be grouped together and made available at “Tapoloka” as an open

contribution and offering. In this way the positions expressed could not be

dismissed as caused by my influence; they would have to be considered…

*6-3-1986, Auroville:

This evening Barbara made some heavy, loaded comments on how she found

Myrtle strung up and uptight, and I felt again the same web being weaved:

everything I do will be interpreted in the same way, according to the same

formation, and now I will be “seen” as possessing and using Myrtle and, if she

collapses, I will be held accountable, with one more victim to my score…

… I had to cope with a revolting scene this afternoon at “Ravena”, with this

contractor for the shuttering materials we had rented out: those attitudes that are

so totally and darkly and inertly in contradiction with the Divine’s Presence in

Matter… And seeing this amidst all the lies and the deceit that I am made to

“discover” among the men I work with, I nearly cried…

… D.M and I had an epic moment this evening; out of some misunderstanding over

measurements for the windows and balustrades upstairs, we clashed like two

flames… And a moment later we were kissing and laughing…!

*7-3-1986, Auroville:

I keep remembering this dream Sujata had, years ago, in which Sri Aurobindo had

told her that she would have to keep the aspiration alive and burning for a

thousand years…

It is as if one could find nowhere any support or any response for the need of That

which You have incarnated; it is as if each one was left with the impossible and

incommunicable responsibility of holding, alive and vibrant within oneself, unknown,

the contact with That…

But perhaps it is only my ego that prevents me from finding the like response in

others, in life itself, I don’t know…

Today I am adrift; external things don’t hold my attention, and I have to force

myself to feel concerned with the pace and rhythm of things…