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Your Work and his own action… I don’t know; I find that when one follows this sort

of “impressions”, one soon finds oneself not only inhabited but also surrounded with

varying degrees of adversity… And what’s the point of that?

Practically and in effect, one has only the field of one’s daily experience to cultivate

true discernment and evolve true reliance…

*20-3-1986, Auroville:

Many of the activities I remember having in my sleep are too complex and have like

their own internal language and significance which do not translate into our metal

terms; for instance last night, I was somehow made to see examples of disorders in

the body – it began with a case of inflamed blood vessels and varicose -, and their

collective healing through the communication of a convincing harmony on all the

affected points, and there were like illustrations of the relationships between these


*21-3-1986, Auroville:

Last night I was involved in or identified with an ancient tragedy: it was the story of

a woman, the last of a dynasty of puissant people who, betrayed by the strength in

her blood, pushed her son’s life in a way he could not endure and realised her error

only as he was about to die; then she brought him to “us”, so that he could die a

reconciled and peaceful death, while she went away on her own and died a hard,

terrible, solitary death…

… I have today realised the obvious…! It is up to me: either I trust and accept that

my inner being has shown me indeed the mantra I can use, the mantra which

corresponds to my needs, and this mantra is effective, that is, it has the power to

dislodge and illumine all the movements that are contrary to Your Presence, and I

truly want You and my prayers, my aspiration and my call are sincere… or they are

partial, wavering and uncertain and I better not ask for any such discipline…

Because I have seen how little prepared I am to truly, really offer and let go…!

*22-3-1986, Auroville:

Ma condition individuelle, et depuis longtemps en fait, peut se résumer ainsi : un

vide, où subsistent encore quelques attaches (qu’elles soient virtuelles ou actives

ne fait qu’une différence minime) ; un vide, par conséquent, qui ne peut pas encore

être un appel pur, et donc ne peut pas encore commencer de recevoir la vie

nouvelle, ou la vraie conscience vivante…

C’est tout.

C’est ce manque de sincérité qui me garde comme emprisonné dans un « nulle

part » malaisé, pauvre et inutile, une contradiction permanente de ce qui doit être…

*23-3-1986, Auroville:

I read again this passage of Your Agenda where You explain how You had reached

the point – in 1963 -, where it became imperative to discard the sort of acute

discernment that was mainly concerned with what must change, what is still part of

the great Deformation, and to concentrate instead exclusively and actively and

creatively on the vision of what must be…

And I looked and wondered: I have not got the slightest notion, nor a single

positive impression of what must be; and yet I can very well understand the