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necessity to concentrate thus, rather than weigh upon, dwell upon all that is now

wrong and false…

*25-3-1986, Auroville:

Last night I saw a very big and powerful and fantastic sort of hurricane, but it was

all orange, of that deep orange of the sannyasin’s robe, with streaks in it of grey

and brown, a formidable moving mass of wind and orange dust whirling and

advancing on the land of Auroville…

*26-3-1986, Auroville:

Samuel is still unwell, with a kind of near-chronic bronchitis, and he has worms in

his intestines, and he is grumpy and whimsical and he complains, and suddenly he

is all smiles again and he lays back and is sweet for a moment… It is rather

depressing to be so impotent before these “natural” attacks on such a sweet little

body, so vulnerable…

… At my night watch, I sit near Matrimandir, listening to a tape of Your Agenda;

John H has just left; he has told me of the situation at work, with both Piero and

Arjun hardening their positions… But it is so in so many places on earth today, on

the very verge, it would seem, of an explosion, whether in South Africa, in Central

America, or in the Near and Middle East…

… You know, Mother, I have felt today that I want to say this, to affirm this, to

stand on this: I belong to You – I belong to You – I belong to You…!

*27-3-1986, Auroville:

I am told that, according to Al.B, I am “behind” the opposition, within Auroville, to

the Government projected organisation… What is funny is that I dreamt of him

again last night and it was very open and almost tender between us, as if this

unreality of the ego’s barriers had melted away… while in fact he must be fuming

against me, along with a few others…!

*29-3-1986, Auroville:

There is the faith, inside me, that, one day of this life, I shall be truly Yours…

Today it is 6 times 12 years that You Two first met, this time…

*30-3-1986, Auroville:

On my way down to town I passed, midst the cramped traffic, coming slowly the

other way, my princess, with Diane, on Diane’s moped; I had a good look at her:

she was blinking against the dust while shouting about something she was seeing;

she was well tanned and full and strong and looked healthy; she didn’t see me, I

think, and anyway she could not have recognised me… I had conflicting emotions

for a moment; then I told myself to be happy because I could at least see for

myself that she is well and cheerful and growing healthy and strong…

*31-3-1986, Auroville:

Myrtle today told me that Al.B has managed to pen a clever covering letter to be

sent as an introduction to the statements that K.T has planned to take to Delhi and