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for all the opposing ignorance in Nature - this was, I guess, triggered by the bite,

one more bite, by a cockroach, obviously mischievous, intentional… -, a Power that

is protective and incarnating at once…

… The US Navy is again cruising towards Libya; it is as if Reagan was actively

pushing and provoking a situation that would enact all the threats of today’ world…

*13-4-1986, Auroville:

Every night, for part of the night, I go into adventures, improbable, novel-like

situations with people and in places I do not know; last night, one such place was a

sort of power plant, located on a sandy rise near to the sea, very green with

beautiful grass and a harmonious arrangements of hedges, and there on that sandy

stretch almost fully surrounded by the ocean, are kept white sheep and white


… N came to fetch me at dawn and we drove over to the village of Pattai, to a place

that is still beautiful, despite the falsity of today’ Tamil society, and vibrant with

India’s deeper reality, to attend the marriage ceremony of Jaïmurthy; the scene

was interesting, and Jaïmurthy held himself very straight and very clear; and I was

happy to have come, for his sake and the sake of friendship; Janaka also came with

Auralice; with N it was sweet, the way he was sort of openly declaring, with

pleasure and confidence, our relationship…

*14-4-1986, Auroville:

There is the sense of a persisting adversity, either in me or using me, pressing

against me, taking my life, my existence as a support; and the sense of being

increasingly cut from the others, from people and from life itself – it would seem by

my own choice, but that choice is determined by this impossibility I seem to

represent; the sense of being less and less able to communicate, at simple life-

levels, with others… In my experience I am aware of no intermediate levels of

communication between the flow of sexual attraction, on the one hand, and at the

other end the flow of consciousness between beings who are given and belong to

the making of the new creation; while everyone I know seems to be naturally able

to move between these two ends or extremes… This gives a sense of solitude that

is sometimes hard to bear, when compared to a creative situation of having

someone to love, someone to cherish, with an interchange to evolve and a rapport,

active and alive, with the world through that relationship… This is my ego veiling,

obstructing, weighing, deforming…

… D.M had asked me for dinner, to see with her and Janaka about some details in

the finishing of “Ravena”; we fought again, this time over the issue of “tradition”;

and of her lecturing me; and, as every time, it dissolved into smile and laughter

and the trusting awareness of one another; and the rest of the evening together

was very quiet; Auralice performed some dance steps she had just learned, and I

bathed for a while in an atmosphere of simple and genuine human harmony, seeing

too how Janaka is a happy man, and a fine one too… What have I done to be so

hardened to life, so wholly incapable of living…?

*15-4-1986, Auroville:

The US have raided and bombed Tripoli and Benghazi in Libya last night. I heard

part of Reagan’s speech: the perfect incarnation of that insane moral righteousness

that still stands valid for so many forces in today’ world… It is useless at this point