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… The issues at Matrimandir are occupying me constantly now; but I have found

that it all gives to the inner progress a field that is more integral, that it actualises

it… In this way I am able to persevere in trying to break through a set of

resistances and contradictions which lay over the work like an affliction…

… Mother, let me grow out of all shadows and become whole at Your feet…

The very meaning of wholeness has changed its nature for me now: it is when That


*7-4-1989, Madras:

I guess I am not quite realising that, in a moment, besides C, I shall see and touch

JYL, after 13 years or so… Perhaps it is because we are inwardly so close that it’s

outgrown the need to see each other physically, as if it had been replaced by a

sharing of another nature…

Fasten me to Your way, Mother…

*8-4-1989, Auroville:

JYL worked with me in the Chamber all morning. And C came with me to Janet’s

this afternoon…

… In human terms, Matrimandir seems to be in a precarious moment; but I am

given to feel and see things from another position, as of the beginning of Your way,

Your wonderful way: it isn’t all poetic, it isn’t “ideal”, it isn’t bliss, but it is one step

removed from the ego’s world, one step closer to the true world…

*9-4-1989, Auroville:

I am 39 today. Even though I knew well that both C and JYL were glad to be with

me on that day, I still managed to have forgotten all about it when I woke up this

morning… But, there have been lots of gifts, with a real affection, from C and JYL

and from Su and Ar.…

*11-4-1989, Auroville:

I couldn’t avoid going back to “Ravena”, so that C and JYL could see it completed. I

knew that I’d be saddened, or angered, by the state I’d find it in; I have put it all

out of my active consciousness, not knowing what to do about it short of declaring

war… And so we went, in the morning, and I found the place exactly as I had feared

or expected it would be – neglect, carelessness, dirt everywhere, and the pervading

sense of indifference: the ordinary life… Yet the place cannot be denied its true

nature: despite the chaos, there’s still the high quality of that space… I can’t help

asking “why, Mother, didn’t You accept the offering of “Ravena?”, as if You were

responsible for people’ consciousness… But aren’t You, somehow?

… It is a delight to be working with JYL in the Chamber. But now the dominant or

prevalent mind-set, the group condition, begins to affect me like a weight; in the

first days I still had the distance to allow me to bring in a different energy and

commitment, and this had harmonious consequences; but little by little I have

begun to rely on the general atmosphere, instead of relying exclusively on You, and

to expect some communication, a movement and a flow… And this is wrong; I know

that I must shift, and have no expectations whatsoever, except from the Force… I

must find the time to concentrate – and this itself nowadays is a bit of a challenge,

given my “family scene”…!