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*3-4-1989, Auroville:

I am rather taken up by Matrimandir again. The work of completing the 4 pillars is

a thread to resolve the entire outer material truth of it, midst all the positions

assumed by all those concerned: the factions, the opinions, the formations and the

reactions; at times I feel I am drowning in it, and I have to edge back towards a

direct and simple contact with the material reality and integrity of Matrimandir, with

its requirements; and on that level it seems to move well enough. The next work to

be done, and the one after that, becomes fairly evident.

But the issues that divide people there tend to neutralise every attempt to be open

and willing.

And then, personally, I don’t quite know how to manage. The work in the Chamber

feels right for me, at this point; it has the type of concentration that can best help

me. But I also have the impression that, if I am clear on my commitment to the

entire structure of Matrimandir, then I should perhaps give up attachment to the

very quietness I find in the Chamber…

… This morning Arjun arranged a meeting in the office with Toine and Catherine;

with Toine it was alright, as he agreed to adapt the electrification work to the new

possibilities we have elaborated; but Arjun seems to be clinging to the division with

Piero, and insists that I shall reach nowhere by trying on and on to communicate

with Piero… But then, afterwards, I found Piero and talked it out with him; it was

his birthday too…!

*4-4-1989, Auroville:

On his request, Piero and I had a long talk this morning. He told me in some detail

the idea he and Paolo have for the completion of the pillars and the access to the

sphere; I hadn’t known about it, and it isn’t very clear; but I feel moved by his will

and need to try and materialise something that would meet Your spoken

requirements or descriptions. The problem is that he doesn’t have the width of

vision, or the capacity, to propose an over-all model for the entire surroundings and

approach to Matrimandir that would resolve all the issues…

Later I was asked by Andy to give everybody an update of the work Catherine, John

H and I have been doing…

Show me, Douce Mère; make me walk on Your way…

*5-4-1989, Auroville:

I woke up this morning with a sore throat and pain in the right side gland below the

ear. I was depressed that such a disharmony should creep in while I sleep, taking

me unawares… This fatigue is so small and limited, an expression of the


… I don’t know what’s wrong with me, which causes me to go under so often; this

recurring fatigue is like a veil of dull opacity that blocks the awareness… At such

times, the experience You have given me appears to be only a dream… a passing

whim, not a durable gift…

*6-4-1989, Auroville:

I have received another letter from JF.A, which I offered to You at once: he writes

that, as soon as his last letter had reached me, asking for help, he’d experienced a

great relief and all his circumstances began right then to harmonise and flow and

he sends his gratitude… To You, Mother!