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outside and play. Because

I had to do checks like this,

I had to be private.

But the worst happened. I

was just breezing around,

my hands doing the windy-

flowing motion and my

body swaying in a similar

way when all at once there

came the soundof clapping

and a bit of laughter from

behind me. From the

other side of the hedge.

I turned, looked round.

There were my mum and

dad and Mum’s sister,

Auntie Errie and her kid,

my cousin Craig. His head

was just showing above

the top of the hedge. At

once, I remembered that

Dad had been planning to

pick up Craig and Auntie

Errie after going to sort

out his car. I must have

been doing my secret

dance routine for ages. I’d

forgotten time altogether.

Mum and Auntie Errie

were clapping -- how

horrible and insulting.

Dad was grinning but with

angry eyes and Craig was

laughing out loud with

happy eyes. Craig was a

year younger than me and

enjoyedany opportunity of

seeing me made a fool of.

I would have kept on with

the dance to show them I

didn’t care but I froze or

dried up, one of those,

and I just couldn’t carry

on. I sat on the ground and

listened to Mum saying,

‘Well, that was a very nice

display, Damien. Thank

you for that.’

I felt my own eyes getting

angrier than Dad’s. Not

that this pleased me. I did

not like Dad’s angry eyes

and did not want to have

angry eyes of my own. I

didn’t want to be anything

like Dad, and I wasn’t like