11. Bronx Cocktail.
J Gin, ^ French Vermouth, J Italian Vermouth,
the juice of a quarter of an Orange.
12. Bloodhound Cocktail.
J Gin, J French Vermouth, J Italian Vermouth,
2 or 3 Strawberries. Shake well, and strain.
(This cocktail was introduced to London by the
Duke of Manchester a few years ago.)
13. Broken Spur Cocktail.
I yolk of a Fresh Egg, I- Gin, J Italian Vermouth,
f White Port, i teaspoonful Anisette MarieBrisard.
(This cocktail was brought out by the cavalry
which got disbanded during the war.)
14. Brooklyn Cocktail.
I dash Amcr. Picon, i dash of Maraschino,
§• Rye Whisky, J French Vermouth.
15. Brazil Cocktail.
3 dashes Angostura, 3 dashes Absinthe, i French
Vermouth, 4 Sherry.
Stir up well, strain into cocktail glass, adding a
cherry, and squeeze a piece of lemon peel on top.
16. Blackthorn Cocktail.
3 dashes Angostura, 3 dashes Absinthe, J Irish
Whisky, French Vermouth.
Shake well, and strain into cocktail glass.
17. Bossom Caresser.
I yolk of Egg, I teaspoonful of Grenadine, J
Curasao, J Brandy, J Maddre.
Shake well. Strain.