FOLLOWING a number of enquiries from
large pipe manufacturers, Maschinenfabrik
Liezen und Gießerei GmbH (MFL), Austria,
decided to develop the RFA 24/56 welding
seam processing machine, for removing the
welding seam of large diameter pipes by a
fully automatic milling operation.
The machine mills the inner and outer
welding seam of large diameter pipes over
a length of 400mm. This process offers a
number of advantages compared to the
manual grinding process.
The largest advantage is that the
milling process provides a better quality
of welding seam – an important criterion
for the delivery of large diameter tubes to
Gazprom and other important customers.
The complete process occurs automatically.
Grinding pencils are not required, which
prevents the operator from injury, and the
milling process does not generate swarf or
sparks. The chips are totally removed by an
effective suction device.
The welding seam is measured by a
scanning device, and by a second scanning
process the removed welding seam is
Due to customers’ differing capacity
requirements, MFL has developed two
machine concepts. The single head solution
is designed for a capacity requirement of a
maximum 13 tubes per hour. Both ends of
the tube are processed by a 180° rotation
of the machine. The double head solution
is designed for a high capacity requirement
Processing of large diameter pipes
of up to 24 tubes per hour. The double
machine, with two milling heads, processes
both tube ends (one tube end per unit).
Maschinenfabrik Liezen und Gießerei
– Austria
Fax: +43 7613 8883 30
www.mfl.atMFL’s RFA 24/56 welding seam processing machine