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Take 2 quarts of quince juice.




(U:se medium bar-glass.)

Take 1 claret-glass of Port-wine.

2 or 8 small lumps of ice.

Quince Liqueur.


(One-and-a-half gallons).

4 quarts of Cognac brandy.

2~i pounds of white sugar.

12 ounces of bitter almonds,


1 pound of coriander-seeds.

86 cloves.

Grate a suScient number of qu i nces to make t wo

quarts of juice, and squeeze them through a jelly-bag.

Mix the ingredients all together, and put them into a

demijohn, and shake well every day for ten days. Then

strain the liquid through a jelly-bag till it is perfectly

clear, and bottle for use. Th i s is a delightful li queur,

a nd can be relied upon, as it is f rom a r e c ipe i n t h e

possession of a l ad y wh o i s f amous for concocting

delicious potations.

Shake up well, strain int o a smal l b a r - glass, and

serve with a little grated nutmeg on top.

Sherry Sangaree.

(Use medium bar-glass.)

Take 1 claret glass of Sherry wine.

2 tea-spoonful of 6ne white sugar.

2 or three small lumps of ice.

z' tea-spoonful of powdered white sugar.

Ha ~ e l o c R T o b a e e o a

a ~ail pr i ce,GD.,]/- ~]/6 pcrp]pg