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Tom and Jerry.

Take 12 fresh eggs.

(Use punch-bowl for the mixture.)

~ small bar-glass of Jamaica rum.

1 —,' tea-spoonful of ground cinnamon.

~i tea


spoonful of ground cloves.

—,'- tea-spoonfill of ground allspice.

Sufricient fine white sugar.

the mixture.

Heat the whites of the eggs to st i8' f r o th, and the

yolks until they are thin as water, then mix. together

and add. the spice and r u in , s ti r up t horoughly, add

thicken with sugar until the mix t ure attains the con–

sistence of a light batter.

A larger or smaller quantity of t his mixt ure may be

made by increasing or diminishing the proportions of

the ingredients given in the above recipe.

N.H.— A tea-spoonful of cream of t a r t a r o r a b ou t

as much carbonate of soda as you can get on a dime,

will prevent the sugar from settling to the bo t tom of

How to Serve Tom and Jerry .

(Use small bar-glass.)

1 wine-glass of brandy.

meg on top, and serve with a spoon.

Adepts at the bar, in serving Tom and Jerry some–

times einploy the following mixture: — one-half brandy,

one-quarter Jamaica rum, one-quarter Santa Cruz rum.

For convenience, these proportions are mixed and kept

in a bottle, and a wine-glassful is used to each tumbler

of Tom and Jerry, instead ofbrandy plain.

Take 1 tablespoonful of the above mixture.

Fill the glass with boiling water, grate a lit tle nut–

8inest Quality.

H a v e l o c k T o b a c c o s .