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Hot Rum.



Take 1 sinall tea-spoonful of powdered sugar.

(Use medium bar-glass, hot.)

1 wine-glass Jamaica rum.

1 piece of sweet butter, as large as half a chest–

Dissolve the sugar in a little boiling water, add the

rum and butter, fill the glass two-thirds full of boiling

water, stir, grate a little nutmeg on top, and serve.

(Use two silver-plated mugs.)

dissolved in 1 wine-glass of boiling water.

land Scotch whisky.

Blue Bl azer.

Take 1 small tea-spoonful ot powdered white sugar

1 wine-glass of Greer's Old Vatted High–

Put the wh i sky and the boiling wa ter in one niug,

ignite the liquid with f ire, and while blazing mix both

ingredients by pouring them four or f

ive times from

one niug to the other. I f w e l l done this will have the

appearance of acontinued stream of liquid f


Serve in a small bar-glass with a p i ece of t w i sted

lemon peel.

The novice in mixing this beverage should be care–

ful not t o s c al d h i mself. To become proficient i n

t hrowing the liquid from one mug to the othe, it w i l l

be necessary to practise for some time with cold water,

H a a e l o c k T o b a c c o s .

Dark and Aromatic.