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+Dissolve the sugar well with one wine-glass of the

water, then pour inthe whisky, add the balance of the

water, and put in a small piece of lemon rind, or a thin

slice of lemon. Be f ore using the glass, rince it in hot


Hot Scoteh Whisky Punch.

(Use medium bar-glass)

Take 1 w i ne-glass of Greer's Old Vatted Highland



wine-glass of boiling water.

Sugar to taste. ( A b ou t t w o l ump s o f l o a f –

Dissolve the sugar with one wine-glass of the water+

then pour in the whisky, add the balance ot' the water,

and put in a small piece of lemon rind or a t h i n s l i ce

o f lemon. B e f o r e u s ing t he g l ass, rinse it i n ho t



Col.d W'hisky Pu n ch . t

(Use large bar-glass.)

Take 1 table-spoonful of powdered white sugar dis–

solved in a little water.

Juice of half a small lemon.

l>2 wine-glass of Irish or Scotch whisky.

"Sugar does not readily dissolve in spirits; it is necessary, therefore, in making

hot toddy or punch to put in the water before the spirits, or at least sufficient of

the waterto entirely dissolve the sugar,taking care to warm the glassbefore pour–

ing boiling water into it.

The best Hot Whisky Punch is made with pulverized rock-candy. This is

preferable to sugar, forany hot drinl-made of whisky or brandy.

twhen this beverage is made for a number of persons to be used at table, it ought

always to be made with boiling water, and allovved to concoct and cool fora day or

twobefore it is put on the t*ble. In this way, the materials get more intensely

amalgamated than


water and cold whisky ever get.

Ha a e l o c k T O b a e o o a

Darl- and A romatic.