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Take 1 tablespoonful of powdered white sugar, dis–

solved in a l i t t l e water.


Roman Punch.

(Use large bar-glass.)

1 table-spoonful of raspberry syrup.

1 tea-spoonful of Curaqoa.

1 wine-glass of Jamaica rum.


wine-glass of brandy.

The juice ofhalf a lemon.

Fill with shaved ice, s hake well, dash wit h P o r t

wine, and ornament with fr u its in season. Serve with

a straw.

Punch Grassot

forming in Paris.)

(The following recipe was given br M. Grassot, the eminent Zrench custodian

of the

Palnk Roynl,



Paul, the celebrated "Zntertainer,"when per–

Take 1 wine-glass of brandy.

l tea-spoonful of Curacoa.

1 drop of acetic acid.

2 tea-spoonfuls of simple syrup.

1 tea-spoonful of strawberry syrup.

$ of a pint of water.

Half a small lemon, sliced.

(Use a large goblet.)


serve up with i ce, in large goblet, and, if pos–

sible, garnish the top with a slice of peach or apricot.

In cold weather this punch is admirable served hot.

Maraschino Punch.

(Use large bpr-glass.)

Take 1 tea-spoonful ofpowdered sugar, dissolved in

a little water.

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