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INFORMS Nashville – 2016


3 - Multi-objective Optimization Via Simulation On

Integer-ordered Spaces

Kalyani S Nagaraj, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United


, Kyle Cooper, Susan R Hunter

Consider the context of multi-objective optimization via simulation when the

search space is integer-ordered. We propose a framework to efficiently identify

the Pareto set that solves a sequence of stochastically constrained problems (via

the epsilon-constraint method) and is designed for deployment on a parallel

computing platform. We discuss the design principles that make our framework


4 - Parallel Empirical Stochastic Branch And Bound

Jie Xu, George Mason University, 4400 University Dr., MS4A6,

Fairfax, VA, 22030, United States,,

Scott L. Rosen,

Peter Salemi, Sajjad Taghiyeh

In this talk, we show how the Empirical Stochastic Branch and Bound (ESSB)

algorithm, which is an effective globally convergent random search algorithm for

discrete optimization via simulation, can be adapted to a high-performance

computing environment to effectively utilize the power of massive parallelism.

We propose a master-worker structure driven by MITRE’s Goal-Directed Grid-

Enabled Simulation Experimentation Environment. We present numerical

experiments with a benchmark test function and a real-life simulator to test the

scalability of parallel empirical stochastic branch and bound.



Choice Modeling and Assortment Optimization

Sponsored: Revenue Management & Pricing

Sponsored Session

Chair: Huseyin Topaloglu, Cornell Tech, 111 8th Avenue, Suite 302,

Ithaca, New York, NY, 10011, United States,

1 - Assortment Optimization Under General Choice

Srikanth Jagabathula, NYU Stern School of Business,

We consider the static assortment optimization problem where the objective is to

determine the profit/revenue maximizing subset of products from a large universe

of products. The product prices are exogenously fixed and the demand follows a

general choice model. The problem in general is NP-hard and the greedy

algorithm has been found to have good practical performance. We study the

performance of a local search heuristic and show that it reaches the optimal

solution for the MNL model and derive approximation guarantees for the random

parameters logit (RPL) and the nested logit (NL) models. Numerically, we show

that the algorithm outperforms existing heuristics in a wide-range of settings.

2 - Robust Assortment Optimization Under The Markov Chain Model

Antoine Desir, Columbia University,,

Vineet Goyal, Bo Jiang, Huseyin Topaloglu, Tian Xie, Jiawei Zhang

In this paper, we consider a robust assortment optimization problem under the

Markov Chain model. In that setting, the true parameters of the model are

unknown and belong to some uncertainty set. The goal is to select an assortment

that maximizes the worst-case expected revenue over all parameter values. We

present an efficient algorithm to compute the optimal robust assortment when

the uncertainty set is row-wise. That is naturally the case in many settings. Our

algorithm provides interesting operational insights regarding addressing

uncertainty in the Markov chain model.

3 - On The Structure Of Cardinality-constrained Assortment

Optimization Problems

Louis L Chen, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-ORC,,

David Simchi-Levi

Cardinality-Constrained assortment optimization, the problem of offering an

assortment of items of constrained size that will maximize expected revenue, is

generally regarded as a challenging problem. We provide a new perspective to the

structural analysis, one that illuminates the optimality of “greedy solutions.” The

approach reinterprets some known results for standard choice models but also

provides some new ones as well.

4 - Competitive Pricing Under The Markov Chain Choice Model

Huseyin Topaloglu, Cornell Tech, New York, NY, 10011,

United States,,

James Dong

We consider competitive pricing problems under the Markov chain choice model.

In this choice model, the customer transitions between the products according to

a transition probability matrix. Based on the price of the product she visits, she

decides to purchase the product or not. In our competitive setting, the prices of

the different products visited by the customers are controlled by different firms.

Each firm wants to maximize its own expected revenue. We show that a Nash

equilibrium exists and the equilibrium prices are lower than those charged by a

central planner.



Pricing, Promotions and Bundling for

Revenue Management

Sponsored: Revenue Management & Pricing

Sponsored Session

Chair: Pelin Pekgun, University of South Carolina, 1014 Greene Street,

Columbia, SC, 29208, United States,

1 - A Pricing Model To Optimize The Promotions Period In Airlines

Daniel Felipe Otero Leon, Lecturer, Universidad de los Andes,

Bogota, 1111, Colombia,,

Cristina Lopez, Mariana Escallon, Raha Akhavan-Tabatabaei

Promotions help increment the demand for a flight. Several decisions have to be

made to offer a promotion such as its price and duration. We propose a method to

estimate the behavior of customer inter-arrival time distribution, his buying

probability distribution, and the dilution effect from data and develop a stochastic

dynamic model to maximize the revenue, evaluating the decision of whether or

not to offer the promotion. Finally we study the structural properties of the model

and draw conclusions.

2 - Dynamic Pricing For Hotel Rooms When Customers Request

Multiple-day Stays

Yun Fong Lim, Singapore Management University,,

Selvaprabu Nadarajah, Qing Ding

We study the dynamic pricing problem faced by a hotel that maximizes expected

revenue from a single type of rooms. Demand for the rooms is stochastic and

non-stationary. Our Markov decision process formulation of this problem

determines the optimal booking price of rooms (resources) for each individual

day, while considering the availability of room capacity throughout the multiple-

day stays (products) requested by customers. To offer attractive average daily

prices, the hotel should not only substantially raise the booking prices for some

high-demand days, but also significantly lower the booking prices for the low-

demand days that are immediately adjacent to these high-demand days.

3 - On The Benefit (or Cost) Of Large-scale Bundling

Tarek Abdallah, New York University,

We study the effectiveness of a simple bundling mechanism in extracting the

consumer surplus in the presence of non-negative marginal costs and correlated

valuations. We develop simple robust analytics that identify the main drivers for

the effectiveness of the pure bundling mechanism and allow the sellers to easily

quantify the potential profits of a large-scale bundling mechanism relative to

more complicated selling mechanisms. Our numerical simulations show that

these analytics provide high predictive power for the true performance of the

bundling mechanism and are robust to different parametric assumptions even for

relatively small bundles.

4 - How Perceptions Of User Reviews Impact Price Competition

Pelin Pekgun, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, 29208,

United States,

, Michael Galbreth,

Bikram Ghosh

We analyze the interaction of user reviews and experience uncertainty, where

negative and positive reviews may be weighted differently in a consumer’s

assessment of the valence of the posted reviews. We find that the competitive

impact of this unequal weighting may not be intuitive in terms of pricing and

profits. In particular, if consumer awareness is higher for the lower quality

product, it can charge higher prices and realize higher profits in equilibrium than

its higher quality competitor when consumers are strongly influenced by negative

