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India Cup (per glass).

One tablespoonful fine sugar, a little water, one

slice lemon, two .jiggers claret, one dash curagoa ,

two dashes Madeira; mix well in thin punch-glass,

add a slice cucumber,


the glass with cold


Lincoln Club Cup.

Put into a glass pitcher a few lumps of ice, one

tablespoonful fine sugar, one jigger brandy, one

jigger pale sherry, one jigger sauterne or rhine–

wine, one lemon sliced, half an orange sliced, a

few slices pineapple, one piece cucumber-rind, one

iced bottle champagne, one bottle plain soda; mix.

Serve cold.

Marmora Cup.

Three lumps of clear ice in a glass pitcher, the

juice of half a lemon, one jigger.orgeat syrup, half

a pony brandy, half a pony maraschino, half a

pony Jamaica rum, one tablespoonful fine sugar;

add one iced bottle champagne, one bottle cold

plain soda. Mix


ornament with fruit m

season, put a few sprigs fresh mint on top.

Royal Cup.

Dissolve two tablespoonfuls fine sugar with a

little water in a punch-bowl, add the juice of one

orange, the juice of half a lemon, one jigger