sugar,
the
juice
of
the
six
lemons,
half
a
pint
of
boiling
water
;
mix
well,
add
two
quarts
old
Tom
gin.
Infuse
one
teaspoon
ful
coriander
seeds
in
a
pint
of
boiling
green
tea
for
twenty
minutes,
then
add
while
hot
to
the
mixture
in
the
bowl,
stir
well
and
when
cold
strain,
bottle,
cork
and
seal.
Keep
in
a
cool
place.
Glee
Club
Punch.
Put
two
lumps
of
sugar
into
a
hot-drink
glass,
add
a
little
lemon
juice,
three
cloves,
one
small
piece
cinnamon,
fill
the
glass
half
-full
of
boiling
water,
add
one
dash
brandy,
fill
up
with
warm
claret
;
mix
well,
grate
a
little
nutmeg
on
top.
Hancock
Punch.
Fill
a
mixing-glass
half-full
of
fine
ice,
add
the
juice
and
rind
of
half
a
lime,
half
a
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
one
third
of
a
jigger
St.
Croix
rum,
two-thirds
of
a
jigger
whiskey
;
shake
well,
strain
into
long
thin
eight-ounce
glass,
fizz
up
with
a
lit-
tle
siphon
seltzer.
Horsford
Punch.
Dissolve
half
a
tablespoonful
fine
sugar
with
a
little
water
in
a
mixing-glass,
add
one
teaspoonful
Horsford's
Acid
Phosphate,
one
jigger
brandy;
shake
well,
strain
into
fancy
glass,
trim
with
fruit.