Medford
Rum
Punch.
Dissolve
a
tablespoonful
fine
sugar
with
a
little
water
in
a
mixing-glass,
add
the
juice
of
half
a
lemon,
fill
the
glass
half-full
fine
ice,
add
one
jig-
ger
Medford
rum;
mix
well,
strain
into
fancy
bar
-glass,
and
trim
with
fruit,
or
leave
on
ice
and
serve
straws.
Mikado
Punch.
Put
into
a
mixing-glass
one
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
dissolve
it
with
a
little
water,
fill
the
glass
half-full
fine
ice,
add
the
juice
of
half
a
lemon,
half
a
jigger
brandy,
half
a
jigger
St.
Croix
rum;
shake
well,
strain
into
a
fancy
bar-glass
and
orna-
ment
with
fruit,
or
leave
on
ice
and
serve
straws.
Milk
Punch.
Fill
a
large
mixing-glass
one-third
full
of
fine
ice,
add
one
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
half
a
jigger
brandy,
half
a
jigger
St.
Croix
rum,
fill
up
with
milk;
shake
well,
strain
into
a
long
thin
punch-
glass,
and
grate
a
little
nutmeg
on
top.
Mississippi
Punch.
In
a
mixing-glass
one
tablespoonful
fine
sugar,
dissolve
in
a
little
water,
add
juice
of
half
a
lemon,
half
a
jigger
Bourbon
whiskey,
half
a
jigger
Ja-
maica
rum,
one
jigger
brandy,
fill
the
glass
with