Pousse Cafe—Faivre's. (use Sherry wine
1/5 glass Benedictine.
l/f glass Curacoa.
Ys glass Kirchwasser.
3 drops Bitters.
Keep liquor colors separate. Note direc
tions for mixing.
Pousse Cafe—Jersey Lily, (use pony glass)
'/2 pony glass Chartreuse.
Yl pony glass Brandy.
Pour Brandy in carefully, so as not to
disturb the Chartreuse. See directions for
Pousse Cafe—Maiden's Titt. (use pony
1/2 Creme de Cocoa.
Y2 cream or milk.
Insert a toothpick through a maraschino
cherry. Place toothpick in glass so that the
cherry rests in the middle of the cream, and
Pousse Cafe—Parisian, No. 1. (use Sherry
2/5 glass Curacoa.
2/5 glass Kirchwasser.
1/5 glass Chartreuse.
Keep liquor colors separate. Note direc
tions for mixing.
Pousse Cafe—Parisian, No. 2. (use Sherry
5 drops raspberry syrup.
Ya glass Maraschino.
Ya glass Curacoa.
Ya glass Chartreuse.
Ya glass Brandy.
Keep liquor colors separate. See direc
tions for mixing.
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