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*10-12-1985, Auroville:

I do not find I am making any progress these days; time passes in a sort of cosy

physical ease, the material enjoyment of the pure light of day, of its cool glow, and

of being part and instrument of the realisation of a beautiful dream…

… Clearing up a pile of mail and papers, I read through some of my old journals,

from 1977-78… And it scared me a bit: how long, how many years will it take

before room is made for a temple, and for a concrete, living change and

Presence…? And it almost seems that at the time there was more aspiration in me

than there is now…! The atmosphere in Auroville was certainly different: we were

still somehow trying, and experiencing the sense of a shared adventure; and so

much of that is gone, now. It is very different… But also, it’s like all words have

become very misleading…

*13-12-1985, Auroville:

When I got up this morning – it was grey and drizzling and warmer -, I realised that

E.B was walking around the house waiting for me, and I had to tiptoe out till I was

ready to face her… I could see then no other solution than demonstrating a severe

and brutal attitude to jolt her out of this delirium and hearing voices she was lost

into; she was also physically ill with diarrhoea and I gave her medicine before

sending her away… But I am acutely aware that there is no one around – and I

doubt there is any one in the Ashram nowadays – who would have the ability to see

occultly what is eating at her and to help her get rid of it, or at least to understand

what she must do… She repeatedly complains of voices entering through the back

of her head, and of abrupt bursts where she looses all sense of proportion and gets

hooked up by the top, her feet dangling in the air, in a whirl of interpretations and

formations… Being myself so ignorant, I choose to keep addressing her as my

sister, who is being nasty or stupid and self-indulging, but it is clearly not enough…!

She responds to it in the moment, and is better off for a while, but once by herself

she does not have the inner space to go on fighting…

In this sort of situation one feels so inadequate and so profoundly ignorant and

impuissant… Psychology isn’t sufficient; gentleness does help, but solves not…

*14-12-1985, Auroville:

Being half-way is being in nowhere’ land, and worse: parts are resolved and ready

to receive, or to enter; other parts are still hooked onto the ignorance and not

giving up their separate sense… I feel almost ashamed of all that is given me, when

there is such misery in people, in beings… I feel ashamed of what even to myself

appears to be more harshness in me towards people… I have seen that most

people, when they reach a certain point in suffering, starve for human warmth and

proximity more than for anything else and… it doesn’t seem to be that way for me…

I can, and do starve for missing relationships, but, when I suffer, I starve most for

the harmony of the Presence…

It’s like today, after this episode with E.B, I felt in a mess and all mixed-up and

open to distressing perceptions of the general condition, sick with impuissance and

soiled, and what I most needed was to recover, like a plant, in a harmonious and

private context; the contact with people wouldn’t help then, but only aggravate…!

E.B came to me late this morning, haggard and scared… D had just confirmed to

me that she no longer wanted her in her house, and I realised that this couldn’t last

much further, what with her not eating properly and not sleeping, being out of

sedatives, she might go at any moment over the border… So I started to arrange