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*1-1-1986, Auroville:

I didn’t stay long at the Fire this morning; the atmosphere in Auroville is not very

good; yesterday night some of the Auroville kids got involved in a fist fight with

some village kids who’d come to watch the play… Boris got beaten up…

… The more I look for people with whom to communicate and the more frustrated I

become and the more the sense of being isolated grows – while, in truth, it is with

You, it is with the Lord within that the communication exists tangibly and is meant

to become more and more conscious…

I have often seen that I may experience a conscious, wordless communication with

someone’s inner being, but it only translates in the outer consciousness according

to the realisation that is there, or to the outer being’s traits and habits; rarely does

it ever correspond, and only in fleeting moments of gracefulness…

… Externally I am stretched out; it is very taut at the moment; part of me

complains, but I also know gratitude, because I sense Your teaching hand and

pressure and Your watchful presence…

Whenever I hold before me the reality of Your complete love towards all beings, of

Your active, discerning, total compassion, I feel so humbled...

*5-1-1986, Auroville:

Barbara came to have tea with me, and to ask me again to renew the contact

(there has been a distance since she settled anew into her family life), saying she

needs it to do her own inner work…

… This evening, C, R and I walked over to ‘Dana”; G.M was alone with Klara and it

was tranquil; I could feel again how much I love him, in a very human sense, and

how sad I am at his going away…

… I am afraid I am very taciturn these days, and uncommunicative; but with C and

R, there is a harmony we know how to share, which needs no words or outward

gestures; it is confident and open, and I appreciate it a lot…

Throughout the day I am often praying; I cannot say it is all the time, because I

still have these moments of desire, or else the awareness dulls and goes under a

veil of grey…

But I want to progress; I want to walk Your Way: whatever the Lord wants… And

when I am thus aware, there is the sense of a formidable security: everything is,

and will be, part of It…!

*6-1-1986, Auroville:

I do not understand how real equanimity is meant to develop here; there may be a

form, or an aspect of it in my daily life, but it is mere appearance, because in fact I

go from one state to another, from this moment to the next: joy, ease, fatigue,