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Corporate Responsibility


Extra financial performance inAtos 2019 Ambition



Registration Document 2016



Strive for exemplary business within all of Atos’ spheres of influence


Material issues

Areas of action and objectives

The Group has to comply with an

increasingly regulatory framework.

This also means ensuring that business

across the value chain is done in an

ethical and responsible way.

With its offers, Atos contributes to

developing local economies; therefore,

involving communities is critical.

The material issues for Atos in relation

to its chain and local communities are:

Compliance and ethics;

Supply chain management;

Local impact.

Regarding G4 aspects, these main issues

correspond to:

Economic Performance;

Market Presence;

Indirect Economic Impact;

Procurement Practices;



For more information on G4 aspects,

see section D.6.1.

Our objective is to always be compliant

and to act as a fair player in business.

Compliance and ethics:

At Atos, high

ethical standards supported by a

Group-wide strategy, policy and training

procedures underpin the delivery of

excellent business technology solutions.

objective in 2016 is to carry out

assessments on key new suppliers from

Bull, Xerox ITO and other planned


Supply chain:

Atos has developed a

permanent dialogue with its suppliers to

enforce strong and fair relationships and to

ensure the respect of its values and rules.

Working together in these conditions is a

pre-requisite for building trust and

long-term relationships. By assessing its

suppliers, Atos aims at monitoring and

ensuring the respect of its values. Atos

to improve social links and impact at local


Local impact:

With the development of

innovative ICT solutions that help reduce

the digital divide, Atos contributes to

improving the Company’s social impact in

the community. The Group also supports

volunteer programs, university relations

and corporate citizenship actions in order

Take part in the transition toward a low carbon economy


Material issues

Areas of action and objectives

Operational excellence and environmental

efficiency, including the reduction of energy

consumption, associated with carbon

emissions, and reduction of travel impacts

on pollution by developing new ways of

working are key, not only to limiting the

impacts of the Group activities, but also

to improving efficiency and developing

the trust and confidence of clients,

investors and financial analysts.

One of the main material challenges in

relation to broader society is its

environmental impact.

Regarding G4 aspects, these main issues

correspond to:



Product Responsibility compliance.

see D.6.1.

For more information on G4 aspects,

Atos deploys its environmental policy to

develop, promote, share and consolidate

green initiatives while measuring,

monitoring and reducing the Group’s

impact on the environment (carbon,

energy efficiency, renewable energy,

waste, purchasing, travel, etc.).

Effectiveness (PUE) of its datacenters.

Improving the energy efficiency

: Atos

aims to improve the average Power Usage

Supporting the energy transition

: Atos,

wherever possible, aims to consume 100%

of decarbonized electricity in its strategic

datacenters (owned and operated by Atos,

co-location excluded).

Reducing carbon emissions

: Atos

pursues carbon intensity reduction targets

(tons of CO


/M€ revenue) in line with the

world effort of limiting climate change and

the rise in temperatures below 2°C.

Offsetting carbon emissions

: Atos aims

to compensate 100% of its datacenters

energy and travel residual CO



Deploying the ISO 14001 certification


Atos has set a global ongoing objective for

the ISO 14001 certification of all its

strategic datacenters (operated by Atos

plus targeted co-located sites) and main

office sites with more than 500 employees.