Use large bar glass.
One and one-half tablespoonful sugar.
Six to eight dashes lemon juice.
Three-quarters glass shaved ice.
Fill up with water, shake well ; dress with fruit,
or decorate with slices of orange and lemon.
Egg Lemonade.
Use lar,;e bar glass.
One fresh egg
One half tablespoonful sug ar.
Seven or eight dashes lemon juice.
&"lass fine ice.
Shake well, stram
large bar glass and serve ;
no fruits.
Seltzer Lemonade,
Use large bar glass.
One and one-half tablespoonfuls sugar.
Four to six dashes lemon juice.
A few lumps ice.
Fill with seltzer, stir with spoon and serve ;
Soda Lemonade.
Make same as seltzer lemonade, using but one
tablespoonful of sugar, and substituting soda for