Corporate and social responsibility report
Annex III -
Being a responsible employer
2016 Registration Document
new measures to create a better work-life balance; these are
management and the unions, the decision was made to adopt
In 2016, as part of the annual discussions between Worldline
These measures include:
good examples of the effective application of our CSR strategy.
For its part, Worldline funds the employer’s contributions.
supplementary pension schemes during the leave period.
make full employee contributions to the basic and
UES Worldline on part-time parental leave have been able to
Part-time parental leave: as of April
1, 2016, employees of
when it comes to calculating their pension rights;
to take more time off to raise their children do not miss out
This measure helps to make sure that employees who wish
arrangement means that these employees do not have to
take part in their initial training as volunteer firefighters. This
for 15 working days’ additional paid leave to allow them to
UES Worldline working as volunteer firefighters are eligible
Volunteer firefighters: as of January
1, 2016, employees of
needed to further their training;
to support their commitment by giving them the time off
the safety of all, and the management of Worldline wanted
training sessions. Volunteer firefighters contribute directly to
use their paid leave allowance in order to take part in these
means of transport to get to work.
Worldline employees to use an alternative, nonpolluting
home to work. This measure is designed to encourage
employees who normally use a bicycle to commute from
Worldline management has paid a mileage allowance to
Mileage allowance for bicycles: Since January
1, 2016,
A culture of ongoing social dialogue
group SE Committee, two are Worldline employees.
employee. In addition, of the six representatives from Atos
Secretary of the Atos group SE Committee is a Worldline
Work Council meetings to present Worldline’s activities. The
The managers of Worldline contribute regularly to the European
Meetings, topics of common interest are discussed at the Group
another European payment company. During Ordinary
the plan to create a joint venture between Worldline and
In November
2015, an Atos SE Committee meeting focused on
wellbeing@work projects.
results, acquisition plans, sales forecasting, quality issues and
level, such as Group strategy, announcements of financial
access to confidential and strategic information.
Worldline employees also sit on the Board of Directors and have
Social dialog is a fundamental part of Worldline culture. Several
[GRI 102-41] [GRI 403-4] and [GRI 403-1]
Collective bargaining agreements
and requirements concerning labor. Also, 86.24% of employees
are covered by collective bargaining agreements [GRI 102-41].
Worldline is convinced that developing its employees’
workforce. Worldline follows local and international regulations
employability contributes to the psychological health of its
requirements regarding working conditions.
enable employees to benefit from favorable statutory
agreements with unions and staff representative bodies that
Furthermore, Worldline has signed collective bargaining
working time, wages, notice periods, vacation time (usual and
health and safety matters, length of maternity/paternity leave,
Worldline’s collective agreements and commitments cover
exceptional such as wedding, birth, house moving…) and
Worldline has also signed specific agreements addressing the
following topics at Worldline France:
disabled workers” – May
22, 2013;
Disability: “Agreement on the employment and inclusion of
Gender equality: “Agreement on gender equality” – May
agreement” – October
18, 2013;
Employment of over-fifties: “Action plan for the generation
8, 2016;
Teleworking: “Group agreement on teleworking” –
management” – September 9, 2013;
Strategic workforce management: “Strategic workforce
“Agreement on the prevention of psychosocial risks” – July
Work-life balance and occupational health and safety:
and [GRI 102-13]
International labor rights
[GRI 102-12]
General statement of respect of international labor
always make decisions based on skills without consideration for
policy. Worldline’s Code of Ethics confirms that Worldline will
The protection of labor rights has long been a part of Worldline
the following principles:
protection. As an active participant, Worldline ensures respect of
way of showing how Worldline is willing to ensure such
Participating in the UN Global Compact since 2010 is another
nationality, sex, age, handicap or any other distinctive trait.
proclaimed Human Rights;
Supporting and respecting the protection of internationally
Making sure that Worldline is not complicit in Human Rights