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*7-3-1988, Auroville:

I don’t know why so many blows… It’s like every time I again feel able to raise the

head above water, another wave knocks me under…

Larry came to “Ravena” this morning with the lady who is the friend of Peter

Callaway – who donated this last amount; Larry laid his trip again, not even

introducing us, but just passing me by and acting like he is sole-in-charge, planning

with her the future usage of the place and showing her around…

… In Your Agenda You tell about the true creative power that comes in keeping

oneself actively aware of what must come, keeping alive the vision of what must

be, instead of looking at what is not how it should be, at what must change or

disappear… And I know I must try that…

*8-3-1988, Auroville:

I was in town today and once more, in the Bank, I passed Pourna; every time this

happens I know this feeling of tenderness, with an element of passion, but quiet

and basically friendly – and yet, after more than 15 years, she still refuses to smile.

She has aged, her face is very lined, but she remains the same beautiful and proud

being, your own grand-daughter – and the one who, it seems, laid that curse on


*9-3-1988, Auroville:

Ar. had a report from the lady herself – who visited “Ravena” with Larry -, who said

she hadn’t found it was the right place actually for the kind of activities she and P.C

were funding…

I am upset with myself for being unable to respond to this kind of situations in a

simple, straightforward, healthy manner…

… This is a period when I feel as if all progress has been neutralised or taken away

and only a husk is left – or a little person who hasn’t even tried to change…

*10-3-1988, Auroville:

As N keeps coming and wanting to stay in my life, I thought to try again to have a

free intimacy; he was sweet and open about it, in his own way rather unconcerned

but willing to give me what he thinks he has understood that I need… But without

reciprocity, how can it be fulfilling?

… Ar. tells me that Roger A’s team now wants to cut down the group of beautiful

“Service” trees that F.G had planted in a half-circle around the amphitheatre, as

they are not “part of the design”… It is sick!

*12-3-1988, Auroville:

There is needed the courage and clarity to move past that so-called decision of last

October 15; for the truth is that Roger A’s design is neither sound nor worthy of

Matrimandir, and that its inspiration is no more than vital, however magnified… At

least one point has been made clear now, and it is that the use of plastic, polyester

or other such related substance is not acceptable at Matrimandir… But a basic

dishonesty remains…

I have received a long, surprising letter from the woman who now lives with my

brother J.Y, Patricia; she tells me of a long and detailed dream-experience she’s

had on February 27, in which she met me, and it was the experience of finding me