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*14-2-1989, Auroville:

At noon, N and I met, quietly. It remains puzzling to me how I can find so much in

him or with him, almost as a quintessence of all physical relationships…

I am seeing with him and Rad how to get bricks made and fired here itself, using all

the wood from the pruning to fire the kiln, for both their houses and for the garden

here as well…

*15-2-1989, Auroville:

C’s last letter about Krishna’s papers finally came. It seems to be impossible for him

to avoid going back to Morocco, if he must have legal papers at all. She has gone

everywhere and worried a lot and is now depressed about it, and I too feel bad.

Now it is up to Krishna to find whether he must go there – an adventure with risks

and many pitfalls -, or let go of it all and remain here as an “impossible case”, both

for India and for Auroville – another adventure, but less personal…

… Time passes so quickly; I’ve got into a rhythm of working here all day, and all

desire or inclination to have a “job” anywhere else seems to be gone…

*16-2-1989, Auroville:

I am handicapped by a steady toothache which started the day after I’d gone to the

dentist and has been unfluctuating since, day and night, and turning every meal

into an ordeal; and I watch at close range this phenomenon: this acts as a seed of

disharmony in the body, triggering all the possible disharmonies this body has a

relationship with… It is so “natural”, and so dumb, and so… depressing!

Depressing too is the condition of the pipes that have been pulled out of the well:

all corroded, half of them unusable… This waste, this constant wear and tear, and

the maintaining and the repairing and the replacing, all this just in order to… be! To

be here, to be anywhere, materially: to be material! So I am now considering

making another big expense and installing new PVC pipes instead; but there may

be other hazards I don’t know about, such as cracks forming from the pressure,


*17-2-1989, Auroville:

This morning Barbara gave me a copy of a long study G.G made to argue against

Roger A’s Master-Plan; I know of his ideas already, and it makes some sense; but I

don’t see that Roger A is developing at all a truer attitude towards his function

here… And Ar. came by, after lunch, with a copy of a recent issue of “Geo

Magazine” featuring Auroville; a very poor article, with text and photographs by

Nadia: a sad performance.

*18-2-1989, Auroville:

Ar. is very busy with the preparations and rehearsals of her group’ performance on

Your birthday; all her energies are utilised, and it makes her that much more

harmonious and centred, and it is a joy to see her that way…

*19-2-1989, Auroville:

This is a Sunday! Jaïmurthy and his helper are working on the new bench by the

entrance door; carts are carrying in mud bricks; N crashed in at breakfast time, in a