UPM Annual Report 2016
In brief
Accounts for 2016
Report of the Board of Directors 90 Board of Directors’ proposal for the distribution of profits 103 Consolidated financial statements, IFRS 104 Consolidated income statement and statement of comprehensive income 104 Consolidated balance sheet 105 Consolidated statement of changes in equity 106 Consolidated cash flow statement 107 Notes to the consolidated financial statements 1081. Basis for reporting
1.1 Corporate information 108 1.2 Basis of preparation 108 1.3 Consolidation principles 109 1.4 Foreign currency translation 109 1.5 New standards and amendments adopted 1102. Business performance
2.1 Business areas 110 2.2 Sales 115 2.3 Operating expenses and other 115 operating income 2.4 Earnings per share and dividend 1163. Employee rewards
3.1 Employee costs 117 3.2 Key management personnel 117 3.3 Share-based payments 118 3.4 Retirement benefit obligations 1194. Capital employed
4.1 Property, plant and equipment 122 4.2 Forest assets 124 4.3 Energy shareholdings 124 4.4 Goodwill and other intangible assets 125 4.5 Provisions 127 4.6 Working capital 1285. Capital structure
5.1 Capital management 130 5.2 Net debt 132 5.3 Financial assets and liabilities by category 134 5.4 Financial income and expenses 137 5.5 Share capital and reserves 1376. Risk management
6.1 Financial risk management 138 6.2 Derivatives and hedge accounting 1407. Income tax
7.1 Tax on profit for the year 142 7.2 Deferred tax 1428. Group structure
8.1 Business acquisitions and disposals 143 8.2 Principal subsidiaries and joint operations 144 8.3 Related party transactions 145 8.4 Assets held for sale 1459. Unrecognised items
9.1 Commitments and contingencies 146 9.2 Litigation 146 9.3 Events after balance sheet date 14710. Other notes
10.1 New standars and amendments – 147 forthcoming requirements 10.2 Alternative performance measures 148 Parent company accounts 150 Auditor’s report 159 Information on shares 163 Financial information 2007–2016 165TotheManagementofUPM-KymmeneCorporation
We have been engaged by theManagement of
UPM-Kymmene Corporation (business identity
code 1041090-0, hereinafter also “the Company”) to perform a limited assurance engagement
on selected corporate responsibility information
for the reporting period 1 January 2016 to 31
December 2016, disclosed in UPM-Kymmene
Corporation’s Annual Report 2016 and on its
website in section “Responsibility” (hereinafter
“the CR Reporting”). The assured information
is indicated in the Company’s GRI Content Index
2016 on the Company’s website.
Furthermore, the assurance engagement has
covered UPM-Kymmene Corporation’s adher
ence to the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles
withmoderate (limited) level of assurance.
Management’s responsibility
TheManagement of UPM-Kymmene Corpora
tion is responsible for preparing the CR Report
ing in accordance with the Reporting criteria as
set out in the Company’s reporting instructions
and the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
of the Global Reporting Initiative. TheManage
ment of UPM-Kymmene Corporation is also
responsible for such internal control as the
management determines is necessary to enable
the preparation of CR Reporting that is free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
TheManagement of UPM-Kymmene Corpo
ration is also responsible for the Company’s
adherence to the AA1000 AccountAbility Princi
ples of inclusivity, materiality and responsive
ness as set out in AccountAbility’s AA1000
AccountAbility Principles Standard 2008.
Practitioner’s responsibility
Our responsibility is to express a limited assur
ance conclusion on the CR Reporting and on the
Company’s adherence to the AA1000 Account
Ability Principles based on the procedures we
have performed and the evidence we have ob
tained. We conducted our limited assurance
engagement in accordance with the Interna
tional Standard on Assurance Engagements
(ISAE) 3000 (Revised) “Assurance Engagements
Other than Audits or Reviews of Historical
Financial Information”. That Standard requires
that we plan and perform the engagement to
obtain limited assurance about whether the CR
Reporting is free frommaterial misstatement.
In addition, we have conducted our work in
accordance with the AA1000 Assurance Stand
ard 2008. For conducting a Type 2 assurance
engagement as agreed with the Company, the
AA1000AS (2008) requires planning and per
forming of the assurance engagement to obtain
moderate (limited) assurance on whether any
matters come to our attention that cause us to
believe that UPM-Kymmene Corporation does
not adhere, in all material respects, to the
AA1000 AccountAbility Principles and that the
CR Reporting is not reliable, in all material
respects, based on the Reporting criteria.
In a limited assurance engagement the evi
dence-gathering procedures are more limited
than for a reasonable assurance engagement,
and therefore less assurance is obtained than in
a reasonable assurance engagement. An assur
ance engagement involves performing proce
dures to obtain evidence about the amounts
and other disclosures in the CR Reporting, and
about the Company’s adherence to the AA1000
AccountAbility Principles. The procedures
selected depend on the practitioner’s judge
ment, including an assessment of the risks of
material misstatement of the CR Reporting and
an assessment of the risks of the Company's
material nonadherence to the AA1000 Account
Ability Principles.
Our work consisted of, amongst others,
the following procedures:
Interviewing senior management of the
Interviewing employees from various
organisational levels of the Company with
regards to materiality, stakeholder
expectations, meeting of those expectations,
as well as stakeholder engagement.
Assessing stakeholder inclusivity and
responsiveness based on the Company’s
documentation and internal communication.
Assessing the Company’s definedmaterial
corporate responsibility topics as well as
assessing the CR Reporting based on these
Visiting the Company’s Head Office and
conducting web conferences with two sites
in Finland and one site in the United States.
Interviewing employees responsible for
collecting and reporting the information
presented in the CR Reporting at the group
level as well as at the site level.
Assessing how group employees apply the
reporting instructions and procedures of
the Company.
Testing the accuracy and completeness of
the information from original documents
and systems on a sample basis.
Testing the consolidation of information and
performing recalculations on a sample basis.
Limited assurance conclusion
Based on the procedures we have performed
and the evidence we have obtained, nothing
has come to our attention that causes us to
believe that UPM-Kymmene Corporation
does not adhere, in all material respects, to
the AA1000 AccountAbility Principles.
Furthermore nothing has come to our atten
tion that causes us to believe that UPM-Kym
mene Corporation’s CR Reporting for the re
porting period ended 31 December 2016 is not
properly prepared, in all material respects, in
accordance with the Reporting criteria, or that
the CR Reporting is not reliable, in all material
respects, based on the Reporting criteria.
When reading our assurance report, the
inherent limitations to the accuracy and com
pleteness of sustainability information should
be taken into consideration.
Our assurance report has been prepared in
accordance with the terms of our engagement.
We do not accept, or assume responsibility to
anyone else, except to UPM-Kymmene Corpora
tion for our work, for this report, or for the
conclusions that we have reached.
Observations and recommendations
Based on the procedures we have performed
and the evidence we have obtained, we provide
the following observations and recommenda
tions in relation to UPM-Kymmene Corpora
tion’s adherence to the AA1000 AccountAbility
Principles. These observations and recommen
dations do not affect the conclusions presented
Regarding Inclusivity:
Corporation has processes in place for stake
holder inclusivity and engagement. Stakeholder
Relations coordinates stakeholder engagement
at the group level, while businesses are respon
sible for local activity. We recommend that the
Company continues to enhance internal collab
oration and knowledge sharing within the group
in the stakeholder engagement.
Regarding Materiality:
Corporation has a systematic process in place
to evaluate and determine the materiality of
corporate responsibility topics. Materiality
analysis is updated annually. We recommend
that the Company considers using stakeholder
panels also to obtain feedback on the materi
ality analysis as well as on the responsibility
focus areas, performance and reporting.
Regarding Responsiveness:
mene Corporation has processes in place for
responding to stakeholder needs and concerns.
We recommend that the Company continues
to enhance the use of social media in its stake
holder engagement.
Practitioner’s independence,
qualifications and quality control
We have complied with the independence and
other ethical requirements of the
Code of Ethics
for Professional Accountants
issued by the
International Ethics Standards Board for
Accountants, which is founded on fundamental
principles of integrity, objectivity, professional
competence and due care, confidentiality and
professional behaviour.
Our multi-disciplinary team of corporate
responsibility and assurance specialists pos
sesses the requisite skills and experience within
financial and non-financial assurance, corpo
rate responsibility strategy andmanagement,
social and environmental issues, as well as the
relevant industry knowledge, to undertake this
assurance engagement.
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy applies Inter
national Standard on Quality Control 1 and
accordingly maintains a comprehensive system
of quality control including documented poli
cies and procedures regarding compliance with
ethical requirements, professional standards
and applicable legal and regulatory require
Helsinki 17 February 2017
PricewaterhouseCoopers Oy
Merja Lindh
Authorised Public
Independent Practitioner’s Assurance Report
Maj-Lis Steiner
Authorised Public
UPM Annual Report 2016